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Still wont admit liberals are blinded by their emotions?

Quote:Trump fans boycott The Goldbergs after creator criticizes president from Spaceballs
By Sean O'Neal @seanoneal
[Image: 800.jpg]

Proving that on Twitter, you’re always surrounded by assholes, Adam F. Goldberg, creator of ABC’s The Goldbergs, sparked controversy and spurred calls for a boycott after he criticized the president—specifically President Skroob, as played by Mel Brooks in Spaceballs. “My God, the President is completely and utterly broken! I can’t tell you how disappointed I am. This isn’t fixable, is it? #Skroob,” Goldberg wrote beneath a photo of a Dark Helmet action figure (presumably a custom job), its broken arm lying atop a prop can of Perri-Air.
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[Image: DB7G_uzUQAEF3I9.jpg:small]

Quote:[/url]Adam F. Goldberg 

My God, the President is completely and utterly broken! I can't tell you how disappointed I am. This isn't fixable, is it? #Skroob
9:45 PM - 9 Jun 2017 · Los Angeles, CA

While the denizens of Twitter would have had every right to call for the cancellation of Goldberg’s sitcom over the grievous sin of confusing Dark Helmet with President Skroob, many ignored the image and its hashtag entirely. Rather, they took the rare opportunity to chastise a liberal on the internet, somehow conflating Goldberg’s lament for a bumbling idiot of a leader—whose selfish drives for money, power, and diddling busty blondes, all while lying to the press and gravely endangering the air we breathe—with criticism of Donald Trump.

“He is your President. Stop being a liberal wuss and stick with show talk,” read one typical reply. “With all due respect, Potus is in complete control. He is fixing what W and O broke,” came another. For several days, Goldberg weathered a storm of criticism and threats to stop watching his show, along with losing more than 1,000 followers. Yet throughout it all, he bravely held fast to his convictions that President Skroob will steal our fresh air using a spaceship that transforms into a giant maid.

Quote:Brian Lanier @rally_wheels
@adamfgoldberg @taconicglobal We put up with Obama in his eight years kissing globalists behinds and destroying Americans jobs, so we would appreciate our turn.. America

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

@rally_wheels @taconicglobal This has nothing to do with America. Skroob runs the universe. He doesn't want anyone to have a turn but him and his spaceball soldiers.
10:06 PM - 11 Jun 2017

Quote:Mom of 3 @mavsfan1959
@adamfgoldberg @taconicglobal News flash! God is in control of the climate, NOT the leftist loons!!

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

@mavsfan1959 @taconicglobal No, he plays God by changing the weather using his ship in maid mode to steal the air. If you don't agree that's a fact, you're the loon.
12:37 AM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Kevin Murphy @taconicglobal
@adamfgoldberg Sorry Adam, it's the liberals that are broken and refusing to let the country move forward. Give the President a chance and he may surprise

Quote:dam F. Goldberg 

@taconicglobal You're wrong. He's a total idiot. He has no regard for the environment and wants to use a giant vacuum to suck up our precious air. #skroob
12:46 PM - 10 Jun 2017

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Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

@SpaceMtnDude It's Perri-air. Look at my original tweet. I have a can. #notmyskroob

Quote:J @SpaceMtnDude
@adamfgoldberg He's my president and if the libs would get their head out of their ass, they would would want tax cuts and better healthcare for the folks.
5:36 PM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

Wanna go on record by saying I am NOT being political. I am literally citing FACTS about this particular incompetent President #NotMySkroob …

Quote:Jason Versaggi @JasonVersaggi
@adamfgoldberg Well this gets an unfollow. And I loved the show.
7:02 PM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

Can we ALL agree here with the cold, hard facts. Mother Nature CANNOT compete with a ship that transforms into a maid. EVER. #notmyskroob …
5:30 PM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

Wanna go on record by saying I am NOT being political. I am literally citing FACTS about this particular incompetent President #NotMySkroob …

Quote:Costa  @CosFot
@adamfgoldberg Were you ever concerned or speak up about Obama's drone assassinations?
6:53 PM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

Upon awakening, I'm losing both followers and viewers. I will not live in silence. The President must be stopped or earth will be next. …

Quote:Sandpiper @sanpiper
@adamfgoldberg Note to self: cancel DVR of Goldberg's
12:34 PM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Jerry Morton @JerryMorton
@adamfgoldberg ByeBye .@TheGoldbergsABC !When will these left wing #SJWs realize half the country disagrees with their politics. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
9:42 AM - 12 Jun 2017

Quote:Adam F. Goldberg 

Upon awakening, I'm losing both followers and viewers. I will not live in silence. The President must be stopped or earth will be next. …
12:01 PM - 12 Jun 2017



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The controversy eventually made its way to The View, where the outrage of people allowing their own confirmation bias to turn a silly joke into a testy cacophony over the state of our political discourse was greeted with same.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Still wont admit liberals are blinded by their emotions? - GMDino - 06-15-2017, 09:50 AM

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