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House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field
(06-14-2017, 06:03 PM)tigerseye Wrote: The Main Stream Propaganda Outlets/idiot celebrites got what they have been calling for.

Dumba%$es fall for their made up lies and bulsh$% and they know it.

Their efforts to get some idiot to do what they have been calling for finally paid off for them. Congratulations.

I'm sure that they can careless that the guy is dead (or that people are seriously injured). Thats what makes them dispicable human beings. They used some moron to do their bidding.

No one will take responsibility for the climate that they have created, they will act like they had no part in it and that what they did was harmless.

They know what they are doing. They are doing it on purpose. And they are trash for using people like this that they know they can push to far.

Soros is probably grinning from ear to ear. This is exactly what he wants. Use the Media and Hollywood with propaganda to get idiots to follow their directives to tear down, weaken and divide the country.

Soros and his puppets are the scum of the earth.

Tiger, why not step back a moment and check all the channels before posting something like this. 
I have seen commentators across several networks saying "we all need to ratchet the rhetoric down" and discussing ways that might be done. 

But I have only seen one channel giving space to commentators who think this shooting should make us angrier and that we should focus that anger directly upon one political party.

Why aren't the places we learn that the mainstream media and Hollywood are "trash" and liars considered "propaganda outlets." Aren't they "doing it on purpose" to divide the country? Why don't those who purvey that sort of rhetoric bear some responsibility for "the climate"?

Right now almost all members of the House are discussing ways to show a united front, to present themselves, in Ryan's words, as "the people's House" first.  People who are interested in politics and looking for a new trend to support might support this one. Respond positively to politicians and media who take this tack and censure those who don't.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field - Dill - 06-15-2017, 01:07 PM

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