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House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field
We had a thread not too long ago about "punching a nazi" and all the support, celebrity and otherwise, for using psychical violence against those whose speech they found abhorrent. I said at the time that not only was this unacceptable but it would continue to escalate. You then get bike lock swinging Eric Clanton and Yvette Falarca, who openly calls for, and engages in, violent action against political opponents and yet somehow still has her job as a public school teacher.

When you refuse to censure, or even ignore, unacceptable, in this case violent, behavior you are tacitly telling the people engaging in it that what they are doing is ok. This, obviously, emboldens them. When they receive kudos and support, as they have, this emboldens them even more. Everyone should be condemning violence against political opponents and if you've been encouraging it, on twitter or anywhere else, you have some of Scalise's blood on your hands.

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RE: House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-16-2017, 11:31 AM

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