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House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field
(06-16-2017, 04:30 PM)samhain Wrote: I actually take Ted at his word until he gives me reason to believe otherwise.  If he's willing to make an effort to moderate his tone then he should be commended, not attacked for past statements.  It's more than almost anyone else has been willing to do on either side to curb the bullshit.

It seems like there was once a time in this country where people didn't feel the need to push their political beliefs on everyone else in a public, belligerent way.  They believed what they believed and accepted that others did the same.  Obviously there were outliers and examples of public dissent, but by and large you could interact with people without expecting an outburst.  This time has passes apparently.

I'd like to think so too, but it's hard to see him changing now any more than seeing 70 year old Trump suddenly not tweeting names and acting like a petulant child.

Many people called for a more reasonable dialogue before Nugent did...and as per usual folks like Ted suddenly have a change of heart when words lead to actions.

For example:

NOW they say that was a quote of someone else and a staffer shared it.

But hey...
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field - GMDino - 06-16-2017, 04:42 PM

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