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President Trump chooses inexperienced woman who planned his son Eric's wedding to run
(06-16-2017, 11:43 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Yup, that's pretty much where I stand on that matter, too.

Did I want Trump as my President? Nope. Did I want Obama as my President? Nope. But they got elected and became my President, so I just dealt with it, appreciated some of the good stuff they do, and dislike the bad stuff they do. I just want some people on here and a LOT of people elsewhere to get the heck over it already and move on.

I just get tired of the mostly one-sided hypocritical Trump bashing in this forum, at times. So I like to point out that their shit does indeed stink as well.

You should get out more. Everyone thinks he's an idiot, not just the people here. "In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, respondents were asked what word immediately came to mind when they thought of Donald Trump: The No. 1 response was “idiot.” This was followed by “incompetent,” “liar,”..." (Source was the Jew York Times so feel free to dismiss it.)

More on the polls: (Emphasis added)

May 10, 2017 - U.S. Voters Send Trump Approval To Near Record Low; Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; No Winner In Media War, But Voters Trust Media More

[Image: quinnipiacpoll-horizontal-hex-full-color.png]
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American voters, who gave President Donald Trump a slight approval bump after the missile strike in Syria, today give him a near-record negative 36 - 58 percent job approval rating, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. Critical are big losses among white voters with no college degree, white men and independent voters.

Today's job approval rating compares to a negative 40 - 56 percent approval rating in an April 19 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and a negative 35 - 57 percent score April 4, his lowest approval rating since he became president.

The president is losing support among independent voters and groups which are important parts of his base. Approval ratings are:
  • Negative 29 - 63 percent among independent voters, down from a negative 38 - 56 percent April 19;
  • A split among white voters with no college degree, as 47 percent approve and 46 percent disapprove, compared to a 57 - 38 percent approval April 19;
  • White men go from a 53 - 41 percent approval April 19 to a split today with 48 percent approving and 46 percent disapproving.
American voters' opinions of several of Trump's personal qualities are down:
  • 61 - 33 percent that he is not honest, compared to 58 - 37 percent April 19;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he does not have good leadership skills, little change;
  • 59 - 38 percent that he does not care about average Americans, compared to 57 - 42 percent April 19;
  • 66 - 29 percent that he is not level-headed, compared to 63 - 33 percent last month;
  • 62 - 35 percent that he is a strong person, little change;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he is intelligent, compared to 58 - 38 percent;
  • 64 - 32 percent that he does not share their values, compared to 61 - 35 percent.
"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"The erosion of white men, white voters without college degrees and independent voters, the declaration by voters that President Donald Trump's first 100 days were mainly a failure and deepening concerns about Trump's honesty, intelligence and level headedness are red flags that the administration simply can't brush away," Malloy added.

American voters disapprove 52 - 40 percent of the way Trump is handling the economy. His grades on handling other issues are:
  • 44 percent approve of the way he is handling U.S. policy toward North Korea and 48 percent disapprove;
  • Disapprove 59 - 36 percent of the way he is handling foreign policy;
  • 45 percent approve of the way he is handling terrorism and 48 percent disapprove;
  • Disapprove 62 - 35 percent of the way he is handling immigration.
Trump and the Media

American voters disapprove 58 - 37 percent of the way the news media covers Trump. Voters disapprove 65 - 31 percent of the way Trump talks about the media. And voters trust the media more than Trump 57 - 31 percent to tell the truth about important issues.

Trump's first 100 days in office have been "mainly a failure," 58 percent of voters say, while 38 percent say they have been "mainly a success."

By a 54 - 38 percent margin, American voters want the Democratic Party to win control of the U.S. House of Representatives. This is the widest margin ever measured for this question in a Quinnipiac University poll, exceeding a 5 percentage point margin for Republicans in 2013.

If Democrats had won control of the U.S. Senate in the 2016 elections, the country would be in a better place than it is now, 41 percent of voters say, while 27 percent say it would be in a worse place and 30 percent say it would be the same.

American voters dislike Democrats less than they dislike Republicans:
  • Voters disapprove 71 - 22 percent of the way Republicans in Congress do their job;
  • Voters disapprove 58 - 34 percent of the way Democrats in Congress are doing their job.
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research.

JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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RE: President Trump chooses inexperienced woman who planned his son Eric's wedding to run - xxlt - 06-17-2017, 07:55 AM

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