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House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field
(06-17-2017, 12:58 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Didn't miss, didn't care. 
But only GOP extremism amirite?
You say as you blame only one party.
So, to be clear, using physical violence, a la anti-Trump protests during the GE campaign, violent attacks by left wing activists like ANTIFA and the shooting that prompted this thread not as bad as Willie Horton add or calling a man's wife ugly.  Outstanding argument! :andy:
Uh, yes.  She didn't say they cling to their religion or guns though.  That level of condescension was reserved for someone else.

Let's say I give you this, poorly argued, point.  The left has taken the physical violence route and thus far surpassed political rudeness.  Quick learners eh?
You must not be paying attention.  I will still send you the chocolates though.  This is only the second time I've offered though, not the third.  Do please try and keep up.

I am not setting up a comparison of extremist incidents to see who's "badder." I am looking at causes of political extremism which have been consciously developed and applied by the major political parties.

Violent attacks by ANTIFA did not create the current climate of extremism. Neither did the recent shooting. They are not an innovation by one of the two major parties then taken up as a norm of campaigning and or political debate. Neither is a political strategy developed by the RNC or DNC. If you followed my response to Michaelsean, you should understand why I am not throwing up incidents of right wing terrorism as causes. Dylan Roof's killing of nine black people might be a result of right wing ideology, but it is not an example of a tactic used by a party.

Nothing in your response suggests you grasp how my argument fits together--what the stated goal is and how conclusions flow from premises. You respond to these separately, in disconnected fashion, framing each with you own "both sides do it" thesis. The resulting smatter of quips, nervous jokes, and counterpoints-that-miss-the-point create an impression of flailing, especially when others grasped my thrice-restated goal on first reading and you still cannot show that you have.

Do you have counter examples of Dem tactical innovations which consciously broke political civility/decorum barriers over the last three decades or not?

Do you need a fourth strike before you are finally out?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field - Dill - 06-17-2017, 02:46 PM

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