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NRA Shuns Second Amendment Martyr
What I found weird was his reaction compared to the other officer you can see on video. When he pulls his gun our and starts shooting the other officer backs away not drawing his gun, and when he returns into frame he doesn't have his weapon drawn. If it was a threat, even if he shot the threat, his back up should have had his gun drawn when he approached the car again. The back up seems calm during the whole thing, but the officer who fires is screaming and escalating quickly.

I work with police and have been told often times they always stay back and over your shoulder on purpose during a traffic stop in the event someone does pull a gun you have to turn to shoot them and they can back peddle into your blind spot while they pull their weapon. This guy was up on the window in plane view and when he perceived a weapon may be drawn he immediately went towards the person to shoot rather than retreating.

Everything about this thing just seems off to me. I am no expert but it definitely appears this officer was not trained well.

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RE: NRA Shuns Second Amendment Martyr - Au165 - 06-22-2017, 04:15 PM

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