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White terrorist kills muslims with car
(06-24-2017, 02:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Dill Wrote: I'd be "forced to admit" exactly what I said above in a "not so subtle way" to anyone "paying attention."

Post #41 One feature of US democracy which distinguishes it from European is the absence of an effective left and an aristocratic, anti-democratic right. US conservatives usually trace their ideals back to Edmund Burke, not de Bonald or de Maistre or Metternich. "Conservatism" in the US is for the most part classical liberalism, as this has taken shape in opposition to "new" or progressive liberalism, which appeared in the later 19th century. So liberal either way.

That is BOTH are liberal in social science terms. And this has something to do with "liberal ideology as in liberal versus conservatism." In response to practices like child labor and segregation, progressive liberalism extended one of the tenets of classical liberalism--to protect individual freedom--into the sacred free market economy. "Conservatives" emphasize another tenet of classical liberalism--minimal intervention in the market--to roll back progressive gains as "big government."

People unaware of this history get confused. Calling progressive liberalism "far leftism" is a symptom of this confusion. Its entire traction is lack of knowledge.

Nope, you don't get to use this out.  The term "liberal democracy" is not universally known or immediately recognized in the way you're trying to explain.  It's not the same as using "theory" in the scientific term versus its more common usage.  You got caught, just own it.

What "out"?  You "caught" me providing a sound (if brief) account of what liberal democracy is. Just as there are people the world over who understand "theory" in a scientific sense and some who do not, so there are people who understand "liberal democracy" as a descriptive term of informed political discourse, and some who do not.  You are someone who does not. Google "liberal democracy" and a dozen definitions appear along with hundreds of discussions, along with comparisons to other kinds of democracy. The world is awash in informed discussion of this subject.

Again, you take yourself as the measure of all things. YOU didn't "immediately recognize" the term so it's "not universally recognized."

Now I have explained why what you call "liberal and conservative" are both political orientations that evolved from classical liberalism. If you think you can dispute that account in factual terms then do so. If you can't ,then agree this description is correct, whether you were aware beforehand or not. Stop trying to blame me for knowing what you don't.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: White terrorist kills muslims with car - Dill - 06-24-2017, 02:55 PM

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