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planned parenthood video #5 ... It's a matter of line items
(08-06-2015, 10:42 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You seem to have real problems actually answering pointed questions.  

Matt already covered this rather well.

OIC, now your problem isn't that they're selling the parts, it's that they're turning a profit doing so.  When you exhaust one avenue of inane "outrage" you just jump to another like the previous one never existed.  Some people actually wanted you for mod. Rolleyes 

No, you're not concerned about that at all.  You, like every other anti-choice mouth frother is simply using this issue as a fulcrum to shut down women's access to abortions.  It's the nibble away strategy.  Slowly erode access to abortions until one day you wake up and there aren't legal anywhere.  Oddly enough the anti-gun people use the exact same tactic and it causes a great deal of consternation among the same people who support the tactic in this instance. 

Show anywhere that I have advocated to ban abortions in relation to this discussion. Taking away public money isn't the same as saying make abortions illegal. But please continue to misrepresent what I say to fit into whatever it is your trying to do

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RE: planned parenthood video #5 ... It's a matter of line items - StLucieBengal - 08-06-2015, 08:14 PM

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