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TRUMP WINS AGAIN: Feminist Says She’ll Go To Mexico For Birth Control If TC passes
(06-27-2017, 05:19 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Did you read your thread title?

"Feminist says she'll go to Mexico for birth control if TC passes"

If you don't have a problem with her insurance covering her birth control why did you start this thread?

Why do you think a woman who wants her health insurance to cover her prescription is a feminist?


If it weren't for government mandates regarding age, companies would still be using child labor.

What is it that you don't like about a government mandate which requires health insurance companies to offer decent health insurance? Do you believe businesses should have the freedom to rip consumers off?

Why should birth control be treated differently than high blood pressure medicine?

The two shouldn't be treated any differently. What Patient A takes for hypertension is none of your business any more than what Patient B takes for birth control.

On the mandates.

What do you define as decent?

I want to be able to buy beyond florida policies. I don't want to be forced to pay for items we do not need or want.

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