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TRUMP WINS AGAIN: Feminist Says She’ll Go To Mexico For Birth Control If TC passes
(06-28-2017, 01:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Slash insurance regulations.   Allow people to pool their resources and buy as a group even when they aren't employed with the same employer.  

I agree that should happen so we know right away that isn't a "conservative" solution, it's just a solution.

Quote:Rand Paul has a pretty good plan.  

Meh.  I would expect better from an ophthamologist who invented his own credentialing agency out of thin air.

Here's one example . . .

Quote:Individuals who receive health insurance through an employer are able to exclude the premium
amount from their taxable income. However, this subsidy is unavailable for those that do not
receive their insurance through an employer but instead shop for insurance on the individual

That is stupid.  The majority of people who get their insurance on the open market are working jobs that don't provide health insurance.  Usually, blue collar, low paying jobs.  By not giving those people the subsidy, Paul is penalizing the working poor for being the working poor.

Quote:Obamacare and trumpcare are basically the same.   One cuts taxes one raises taxes.    When we eventually go single payer I wonder how this will affect the salary of medical orofessionals.

When people hold up signs that say, "Keep your government hands of my Medicare" I know we will never go single payer.

Health insurance companies are looking for ways to cut reimbursement all the time.  You know the article you posted with spotted toad?  The author mentioned Medicare reimbursement rates are tied to satisfaction scores to include pain management in an attempt to blame Obamacare for the opioid epidemic.  Yeah, that's one of many question asked in the patient satisfaction surveys.  What he didn't mention is that's becoming the industry standard.  I think within the next two years it will be almost universal among private insurance, not just Medicare.  So insurance companies will reduce reimbursement if a patient isn't happy because you won't give them an antibiotic for a cold.  That's the stupid shit insurance companies pull so they don't have to pay providers.  We had a meeting today discussing RVUs and how they tie into reimbursement and how some patients count less than 1 patient while others count as more than one patient, because just doing a simple head count where each head counts as 1 is too god damn simple.  

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