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When Marijuana Becomes Legal.......
(06-28-2017, 03:05 AM)Bengalzona Wrote: From what I've heard from my friends in Colorado, it isn't that common to see it smoked in public. 

As far as teens, it used to be just as easy for us to get pot back in the day as it was to get cigarettes. Of course, the pot that teens could get back then was pretty much skank weed. The stuff sold at dispensaries in states where it is legal is a different beast. Some of that stuff is pretty potent I'm told. Maybe someone else here knows more about it, though. 
Was just up in Canada and I don't even know if it's legal yet up there but that stuff could knock you on your ass.
(06-28-2017, 08:04 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

One Colorado Study finds use was unchanged.

One saw a decrease.

One saw more cases of kids coming into the ER with pot in their system, but most of those kids were using multiple drugs and the hospital staff also went through more training during that period to identify when pot is in the system.
Makes sense because it's not as rebellious thing to do once it's legal at some level, but I think that kids also doing less of it now kind of skews the numbers on what the effect of legalization had on the usage (you were right all along about less kids using it, but it's about the kids who are using it just being more public and open about it).

Also, my question was more about the acceptable usage in public.  You always used to be able to see teens smoking in public who were obviously not 18 and I was wondering would it be as common to see them smoking marijuana as it is to see them smoking cigarettes? 
(06-28-2017, 08:27 AM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Really tough for kids to get it out here without help from someone over the age of 21.  You get ID'd twice before actually making the purchase at a dispensary.  

And zona is right, it's not common to see people smoking in public. At concerts, etc absolutely.  But not just waking around town.  

Also, any self respecting adult with a plan for the day just eats the stuff these days anyway.

(06-28-2017, 09:23 AM)Au165 Wrote: Does it being illegal prevent them from smoking it now? The answer is no.
But my question is would it be more common and more acceptable and would you see kids smoking in public?
(06-28-2017, 09:41 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: My guess would be that it would be entirely dependent upon the regulatory tools that will be used for it. If it is just sold like alcohol or cigarettes then it would be relatively easy to get. Most places have tighter regulations on it, though, confining its sale to stores set up and licensed specifically for it. That model makes it harder for teens to get their hands on it.
Makes sense and I never thought about it that way.  Then, cops could also patrol those areas more looking for teens who are trying to get older people to buy it for them.

(06-28-2017, 10:07 AM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: That's exactly right!  You can't find the hard pack Mexican schwag anymore.  It's all this potent stuff that I can't be out in public with. I just want the stuff that I can go out and have a good time at a concert.  You hit the nail on the head, you have to set aside an afternoon to take a couple hits. I miss the days you have to 'clean your weed'. Pick stems and seeds out of. This fancy stuff these days is what we called 'hydro' back then. And that's all you can get anymore.

(06-28-2017, 11:19 AM)GMDino Wrote: I have never taken an illegal drug.  I've never taken an opioid either for that matter.

I was afraid it would make my brain normal.  Smirk

But i don't have a problem with the legalization.  And I certainly would never use the argument that someone will break the law (smoke underage, drive under the influence, etc) as the reason to keep it illegal when those things happen now.  they will still happen and they will still be illegal.  Meanwhile we make a lot of money on taxing it, save money on policing it and incarcerating people for it, and help people that use it medicinally.
It's the only way that I've even heard of as a possibility to regrow brain cells since I'm missing a lot of my brain, and the only time I think clearly is after I vape (I can't really smoke because my lungs were damaged so badly in the wreck). 
(06-28-2017, 01:55 PM)Benton Wrote: It will be up to statute. Lawmakers can set a specific age, no age, or tie it to other standards (legal drinking age, age of legalized adulthood, etc).

I've done some stories with a woman very involved in legalization efforts in Kentucky. Honestly, it would be a long way off here, even in her estimation. Hell, half of the western end of the commonwealth just repealed prohibition in the last 4-5 years; the other half (about 12 counties) are still dry. No idea what it's like in the east, but given the lack of a tourism industry there id guess worse.

It's so stupid that it's illegal in Kentucky considering that it's the biggest cash crop in the state, and I think it's the biggest by a very large margin.

Tax the hell out of it and we easily become a very profitable state off of that alone.

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RE: When Marijuana Becomes Legal....... - BFritz21 - 06-28-2017, 04:08 PM

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