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When Marijuana Becomes Legal.......
(06-28-2017, 07:48 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: What makes anyone think that weed may become legal in more States, than it already is?  The latest stats from the auto insurance industry are showing that vehicle crashes are up in legal weed States, and even showing a correlation with the highest increases being in the State with legal weed the longest.

Quote:[/After crunching the numbers, the institute said collision claims since marijuana was legalized are up 16 percent in Colorado, 6.2 percent in Washington and 4.5 percent in Oregon.

"Colorado has had legal pot sales the longest and it is showing the greatest effect," said Moore. "Meanwhile, Oregon has had pot sales for the shortest amount of time, so its increase is the lowest, but that could change over time."

The study comes as more states are considering legislation to approve pot sales. Opponents say legalization will lead to a number of problems including the increased likelihood of people driving under the influence.quote]

Seems like this is going to be a crushing blow to those hopeful of getting weed to be legal in their State.  Because when the crash rate goes up, the auto insurance rate goes up... for everyone in that State, not just the weed smokers.
"Moore said another reason it's hard to determine exactly how many accidents are caused by stoned drivers is that drivers testing positive for having THC often have alcohol in their system as well"

"his study does not say if the increase in collisions in the three states were directly caused by drivers who were high."

Alcohol can dedfinitely cause some wrecks. Need to get rid of it. Drinking and eating while driving. Passengers. Cell phones. Radios. GPS. The sun. Snow. Cars. 

Hell. All the costs and deaths caused by obesity. We should all be walking anyway. Ban it all.

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RE: When Marijuana Becomes Legal....... - NATI BENGALS - 06-29-2017, 03:44 AM

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