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What would the US look like if...
I was just wondering as I was watching a video on YouTube of System of a Down playing B.Y.O.B., what would the US look like if Indentured Servitude was never a part of our history.

Think about that for a moment, Slavery wasn't a thing without Indentured Servitude and the uprising, I can't remember the year. After that uprising, Black Indentered Servants were made lifelong Slaves, their freedom taken and the Slave Trade brought about while White Indenture Servants could still become free after paying their debt.

I doing this off memory here so I apologize.

Next, what about if after the war with Mexico, the United States decided to keep all of Mexico rather than give back the land which is currently Mexico?

What if Mexico decided to side with Germany during World War One? 

What if Russia decided not to sell the US Alaska?

Not to long ago, I think it was Quebec who voted against joining the United States and become a state. It was within the past 20 years. What would the United States be like now if that had happened?

Just thought this would be an interesting topic.

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What would the US look like if... - Nebuchadnezzar - 07-03-2017, 04:22 PM

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