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And American President goes to Paris...

Quote: Parisians are greeting President Trump's visit Thursday for Bastille Day celebrations in the way the French do best: total disdain. 

"Pfff — he should just go to Pittsburgh," student Marie Billoteau, 24, said, harking to Trump's explanation June 1 for withdrawing from the Paris climate change agreement: "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

Many expressed bewilderment that their new president, Emmanuel Macron, invited an American president who had supported Macron's right-wing opponent and disagrees with the French government on a range of international issues.

Others just shrugged and said Trump will enjoy his first visit here as president to be feted as the guest of honor.

[Image: 636354790456130046-AFP-AFP-QJ4VB.jpg]
This file photo shows a table at the Jules Verne restaurant in the Eiffel Tower in Paris, taken Dec. 21, 2007. (Photo: Patrick Hertzog, AFP/Getty Images)

On Thursday, Macron will host dinner at the Jules Verne restaurant atop the Eiffel Tower with and creations by one of France's most celebrated chefs, Alain Ducasse. On Friday, Trump will watch the annual Bastille Day parade down the Champs-Elysées with all its pomp and circumstance.

Student Billoteau said she just hopes Trump behaves: "He doesn't seem to know what is correct sometime." 

Her view of Trump is widespread. A poll in May by Suffolk University found 82% of the French have an unfavorable view of him — even more negative that
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

Still, the invitation was a brilliant move by Macron, said Eddy Fougier, a political scientist with the French Institute of International and Strategic Affairs in Paris.

“Since Donald Trump declared a while ago that Paris wasn’t Paris anymore, Macron probably wants to show him that Paris is still Paris,” he said of the visit that includes honoring the 100th anniversary of the United States' entry into World War I.

Trump said in 2015 television interview about the wave of migrants entering Europe, "I was in Paris, and Paris doesn’t look like Paris anymore." He made similar comments more recently.

“It’s a pragmatic approach for Macron, and the fact that the U.S. president and troops will be in Paris will raise the profile of France in the world on the day,” Fougier added.

[Image: 29906170001_5504906220001_5504868913001-vs.jpg]
Bastille Day is a French national holiday that celebrates the Storming of the Bastille, that kickstarted the French Revolution. Time

Former presidential contender Jean-Luc Mélenchon of the far-left party, La France Insoumise, said he "deplores" the fact that Trump will be on French soil when the country marks its version of July Fourth — the storming of the Bastille fortress in 1789 during the French Revolution.

"Mr. Trump is not welcome at all to celebrate July 14th — that's to celebrate France's freedom," Mélenchon told French broadcaster Europe 1. "Trump is a violent person and has no reason to be here."

That disdain for Trump will be on full display at Place de la Republique and at least two other districts in central Paris during his visit with demonstrations. 

"Trump is not welcome in Paris," organizers of Paris Against Trump wrote on their Facebook page. "We oppose his positions, ... his sexist speeches and behavior, his Islamophobia and racist remarks."

File this under you can lead a horse to water....

Will the POTUS see you can treat people you disagree with with respect?  Will he learn something about the country he was invited to visit?

Or will this be turned into something to self inflate his ego?

The world will watch and wait....
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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And American President goes to Paris... - GMDino - 07-13-2017, 08:52 AM

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