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Remember Way Back a Few Days Ago?
Not sure where your going with this but the elections need to be investigated and then protected.

The investigation into election fraud should be supported by everyone and transparent.

Politicians not wanting to turn over voter data smells of a cover up. 

Project Veritas actually have people on tape admitting that they do it.

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump won the popular vote.

I read an article that said that the ACLU and Soros funded groups (go figure) are fighting the investigation into voter fraud every step of the way in the courts.

The individuals who want to steal our elections will always have an excuse why people shouldn't have to show proof of identity/citizenship. I'm all for privacy and small government but we have to make our elections accurate and illegal votes offset the votes of actual citizens.

Illegal voting almost made HRC our President, if that doesn't scare the sh@# out of people to get this fixed nothing will.

The USA dodged a bullet.

Dead people and non citizens shouldn't be voting. Pretty simple.

Got to share info and data to figure out who should be voting and who shouldn't.

I'm all for privacy and small Gov but our elections have to be representative of what the citizens want. Not what the ACLU ,the globalists and Soros want and get by cheating us out of an accurate election.

Soros' efforts to destroy our country should have earned him a ticket out of here by now. Why doesn't he go back to where he came from? Oh thats right they hate his guts for what he is doing to all these countries. He is New World Order  scum that is out to wreck our country.

God Bless America.

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RE: Remember Way Back a Few Days Ago? - tigerseye - 07-15-2017, 05:13 AM

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