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Charles "Frankenstein" Krauthhammer
When debating the act of collusion wires get crossed...due to of course the ignorance of those on the left and to an extent the right.

The definition of the word "collusion" needs to be cleared up.

Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

But that is not to say that something wrong or illegal actually transpired as a result of collusion.

To the point... To leftists, "collusion" automatically becomes synonymous with "Trump won because the Russians somehow rigged the election" or that "Trump won because he cheated".

"Trump won because he colluded with the Russians" is another leftist gem.

So, when those on the right vehemently argue that "no collusion took place",  they are arguing against this notion from lefties that somehow Russia rigged the election.

So Trump Jr. colluded. Big whoop.  He was "on the job training" learning the tricks of the politics trade.

How about the collusion with the Hillary people and the crooked DNC in order to undermine the campaign of Bernie Sanders?

BernieBots still profess that Bernie lost due as a result of that collusion.

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RE: Charles "Frankenstein" Krauthhammer - Vlad - 07-15-2017, 02:21 PM

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