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Muslim teenage bride forced to commit suicide
(07-16-2017, 12:33 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I just want to see one Islamic group start the discussion.    If this happened I would back off Islam until they sorted their craziness out.

I would stop posting threads about Islamic stories of just one major group would step up and call for reformation.

Well I'm glad to hear that Lucie.  On the old list once, many years ago, there were people demanding to know why Muslims never condemned 9/11. I offered them 7 or 8 links from American, British and Egyptian Muslims calling the attack a savage massacre of innocents and denouncing those who did it as non-Muslims.  It didn't change any minds. You are different though. You won't dismiss evidence, particularly if it is plentiful and unambiguous.

I am not sure what you mean by "reformation." But there must be just south of  100 groups in various nations promoting the "modernization" of Islam and embracing secularism. Among these, for example, many Muslim feminists challenge misogynistic interpretations of the Qu'ran and Hadith.

Here is a partial list of the latter which I am reposting from the "Merkel's foes in disarray"(#119) thread, where I discussed this issue a couple months back. (You were on "vacation" back then, I believe Sad .)

(04-27-2017, 11:46 PM)Dill Wrote: In virtually every Muslim country there is a battle going on within/among Muslims over women’s rights. ...

. . . Aziza Y. al-Hibri,
a Muslim and a legal scholar of Muslim jurisprudence, president of an organization called KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, which advocates for women’s rights in Muslim countries. Here is a link to their website,

From there you can find a link to Al-Jazeerah, currently running a story on how a women’s rights group in Jordan is on the verge of abolishing a law protecting rapists who marry their victims.   There is also this great article on Jordanian women learning martial arts.

. . . This link is to Looking for that Other Face, by Frank van Lierde, a book in PDF form which tells the story of 6 Indonesian Muslim women who have organized to challenge Islamism in their region. It was financed by Dutch leftists and liberals in an organization called Human Security Collective. 

Egypt has a number of Arab language sites challenging patriarchal orthodoxy there, but here is one in English And feminist challenges are news reported frequently on sites like Middle East Eye, This British based news organization helps to publicize progressive Muslim activism and helps link efforts in Middle Easter countries to supporters in the US.

There may be "silence" about Muslim "outrages" in some Western internet forums and talk shows, where we are told "the left" supposedly "turns a blind eye to daily outrages." But the din has been very loud in leftist (no scare quotes) organizations and websites. And not just recently.

Muslims for Progressive Values has articles and arguments and disucssions of Sharia for gay Muslims

I close with an interesting mainstream source about Muslim women who must combat BOTH Muslim misogyny AND Islamophobia--
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Muslim teenage bride forced to commit suicide - Dill - 07-16-2017, 01:47 PM

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