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Two people try to 'expose' Islam by sneaking into mosques. It backfired, badly

Quote:Sandra Solomon, describes herself as "devout Christian and follower of my beloved lord Jesus Christ" on her website. 

She is currently touring the US, Canada and Israel to show the world what she claims are "the perils of Islam".
Last night, a video of her emerged on Twitter, after being shared by Middle East Eyecolumnist CJ Werleman.

In the video, Solomon and a friend she identifies only as "Jesse" put on burkas and go into a mosque in Calgary in order to "spy on Muslims".

They encourage other people to go into mosques wearing a burka in order to "expose islam".

The video appears to have first appeared on her YouTube channel but was removed for violating the site's terms on 'hate speech'. 
[Image: capture.png]

Sharing the link to her Facebook page, Solomon wrote:
Quote:Patriots must watch..this is just the beginning of series of many videos to come .How to spy on muslims [SP]

We must keep our eyes open for everything they do or say .Don't trust any muslim [SP] no matter how peaceful they look .Let's work together to expose them .No sharia law .No M -103 [a notion in Canadian parliament to condemn hate speech against Musilms] we will not be quelled  [sic]. 

People have been quick to point out the irony of her video, given that mosques are open spaces. 


[Image: obk8krNd_normal.jpg]Qasim Rashid, Esq. 

Muslims are begging ppl to come learn about Islam at the mosque instead of from media & these geniuses think they have to sneak in.[Image: 1f926-1f3fd-200d-2642-fe0f.png] …
11:24 AM - 6 Jul 2017 · Virginia, USA


[Image: XdaBfbSH_normal.jpg]Jesse Mac @JessetheMac
Do they realize they're free and open to the public? This is about as daring as sneaking into a public library at noon. …
9:35 PM - 6 Jul 2017
Others have pointed out that you can quite clearly tell there's a man under that burka.

Quote:They spied on our Calgary Mosque,

They will find nothing but 'Love For All, Hatred For None' in our Mosque. :-)

— Ask Islam (@OutreachAMC) July 6, 2017

Quote:[url=] Follow
[Image: IfPWDbjD_normal.jpg]Laila Alawa 

Go for it. Have fun. Try not to embarrass your fellow bigots, though, because people are friendly in there. …
11:15 PM - 6 Jul 2017

It's not clear if they did go in, or the reaction they had, as they haven't released any footage.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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Two people try to 'expose' Islam by sneaking into mosques. It backfired, badly - GMDino - 07-22-2017, 02:55 PM

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