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Almost 50% of Leftists refuse to be friends with a Trump supporter.

Quote:[url=]Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire Finally Admits To Being A Fake News Satire Site

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The propaganda “news site” The Daily Wire, which is headed by suspected white supremacist Ben Shapiro, has finally admitted to printing fake stories under the guise of “doing satire. ”

The Daily Wire has already been added to a Blacklist of “news sites” that are considered fake and unreliably bias. (Read the list in it’s entirety here)

This week the Daily Wire published another fake story with a deliberately misleading headline that read: “Outraged Celebrities Apologize After Finding Out Obama Said Almost Exactly What Ben Carson Did About Slaves–Oh Wait”

The bogus article proceeded to attribute fake quotes to producer Tariq Nasheed, rapper Ice-T, and others:

“Almost immediately following the Free Beacon story, the celebrities and commentators who castigated Dr. Ben Carson took to social media to apologize.

Tariq Nasheed said: “Wow. I guess I should have thought about it more before I called Carson a c**n. I’m truly sorry.” ICE-T offered a similar apology, writing: “I hate eating crow, but admitting fault is the right thing to do. It was very foolish of me to call Ben Carson a dumbf***. So sorry!”

At the very end of this fake news, click baiting article, the writer Frank Camp attempted to put a disclaimer at the very end of the false story that stated:

“Oh wait–none of that happened. No retractions; no apologies; no mention that Carson’s language directly mirrored Obama’s.”

Ice-T called out the fake article and the writer on twitter:

[Image: Screen-Shot-2017-03-10-at-10.56.01-PM.png]
When Tariq Nasheed called out the phony article on social media, the writer Frank Camp claimed it was satire:
[Image: Screen-Shot-2017-03-10-at-10.54.45-PM.png]
And the head of the fake news Daily Wire website Ben Shapiro took to twitter to insult and antagonize Tariq Nasheed for pointing out their cowardly, yellow journalism:
[Image: Screen-Shot-2017-03-10-at-10.56.35-PM.png]
According to Tariq Nasheed, this isn’t the first time the Daily Wire has printed false stories about him. Here is a past Daily Wire article about Nasheed, which made false claims about his Castro comments, and here is another bogus Daily Wire article that claimed Nasheed was “crazy” and that he “went nuts” over the shooting of an immigrant.

 is yet another fake news article from the Daily Wire where they falsely claim Nasheed is a “Black Lives Matter advocate”, when Nasheed has repeatedly stated that he has nothing to do with BLM whatsoever.

This type of deceptive, racialized propaganda coming from these fake news sites like the Daily Wire is indicative of the “alternative facts” mantra of the current Trump presidency. And it has no place in the fight for truth and justice.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Almost 50% of Leftists refuse to be friends with a Trump supporter. - GMDino - 07-23-2017, 11:30 AM

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