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Trump Administration Moves To Defund Teen Pregnancy Research Programs
The big Trump states in the South are hotbeds for kids getting knocked up and having more kids. It benefits the Trumpers for these people to reproduce in a wholesale capacity. Trumpers love seeing barefoot, pregnant teenage girls put in their place at a young age. Turns out they also love smack laced with high-potency Chinese-made fentanyl, too, but that's another discussion.

I mean, once your sixteen and have 3 kids and a smack habit that makes you basically unemployable, you logically drift toward the Trump mentality. It probably feels good to blame the transvestites and Mexicans for your turd of a life when you're that utterly hopeless. At least you'll still be able to get churchin'. That's the most important thing. I sure wish all the states in the US were as MAGAfied as the junkie knocked-up Trump ones.

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RE: Trump Administration Moves To Defund Teen Pregnancy Research Programs - samhain - 07-30-2017, 11:28 AM

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