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US Successfully Tests US Missile Intercept System
I thought that the US already had one of these, or maybe it was just that we'd be able to shoot the missile down before it caused any damage, but I just did some research and it sounds like that's pretty much what this missile intercept system is.

In any case, it sounds like South Korea is letting us set-it-up in their country and that we should be able to intercept any missile before it can get close enough to do any damage on American soil. Perhaps South Korea is allowing it on their soil with an agreement that it will also be able to be used if a missile is launched at them (assuming that it could be used fast enough to intercept something on such a short launch).

Quote:US successfully tests missile intercept system
AFP 9 hours ago

Washington (AFP) - American forces successfully tried out Sunday a missile interception system the US hopes to set up on the Korean peninsula, military officials said following a trial just days after North Korea's second test of an ICBM.

In the American test of the so-called THAAD system, a medium-range missile was launched from a US Air Force C-17 aircraft flying over the Pacific and a THAAD unit in Alaska "detected, tracked and intercepted the target," the US Missile Defense Agency said.

It said this was the 15th successful intercept in 15 tests for the weapons system known as THAAD, which stands for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense.

South Korea said Saturday it will speed up deployment of a THAAD battery on its territory because of the latest North Korean test of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Parts of the THAAD defense system were brought into South Korea under the government of ousted president Park Geun-Hye. But new leader Moon Jae-In suspended deployment of the programme last month, citing the need for a new environmental impact assessment.

However, South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-Moo said Saturday that Seoul will now begin consultations on the "tentative deployment" parts of the THAAD battery in response to the latest North Korean test.

The THAAD deployment has infuriated China, which has long argued it will destabilize the region.

I don't see how China can believe that it will destabilize the region because it seems like it would do the opposite.

Is this as good of news as I think?

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US Successfully Tests US Missile Intercept System - BFritz21 - 07-30-2017, 08:23 PM

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