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The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders
(08-05-2017, 03:30 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I have mixed emotions on this.  While I despise Trump, I'm equally disturbed with a Pence presidency.  Mainly because he's an experienced politician and could get conservative agendas pushed through with the GOP holding both branches.  I almost hope Trump doesn't get impeached, simply because, that would hand it over to conservatives with experience.  If Trump remains President, I think Dems will regain the upper hand in 2018.  At the same time though we can't just let him have free reign though.

I agree though .... Nervous

I agree on this. Mike the mannequin Pence is a more scary choice than Drumph. They are complete opposites,  Drumph thinks its fine to grab women crotches while Pence is scared to death of them. Those right wing Evangelical bible thumpers are bat shit crazy and should be kept away from any type of governance. Drumph is destroying the Republican party. The Dems should just sit back and let the Republican Party implode, just like Drumph wants to do with Obama care.
This sounds about right.

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RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - ballsofsteel - 08-05-2017, 07:21 AM

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