Poll: Are you embarrassed for voting for or supporting Trump?
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3 27.27%
6 54.55%
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0 0%
Embarrassed about what?
2 18.18%
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Serious Question for Trump voters/supporters. Are you embarrassed by anything yet?
Am I embarrassed by anything yet?

I'm embarrassed for the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets (CNN,MSNBC,NBC,Wash Post,NY Times,etc...) efforts to destroy our elected President to the harming of our nation.

I'm embarrassed for the leaders of both parties who are doing everything in their power to obstruct and damage our elected President.

I'm embarrassed that John McCain is an elected official in the United States.

I'm embarrassed that Paul Ryan is such a pu#$&.

I'm embarrassed that the swamp didn't get the message from the US citizens and are now proving beyond a reasonable doubt that they are truly the cancer that is killing our nation.

I'm embarrassed that the swamp is using Mueller to come up with anything he can to stop what President Trump is doing.

The swamp is scared to death that their deeds will be investigated. Both sides are guilty as hell. Trump wanted to take this on and drain the swamp or at least try. All the citizens should be behind him 100%.

These are the same a holes who have gotten rich running our country into the ground. Why would any citizen not want all that has happened to be investigated.

Trump misspeaks and does things he probably shouldn't. Nobody is perfect.

Give the guy a chance maybe he will surprise you.

Bush1, Clinton, Bush2 and Obama were a disaster. Wars, running off manufacturing and running the country on a credit card, hell any of us could have done that.

Never know, if everybody got off his back, maybe he could Make America Great Again.

It seems to me that is exactly what they are afraid of. Wonder why?

God Bless America.

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RE: Serious Question for Trump voters/supporters. Are you embarrassed by anything yet? - tigerseye - 08-06-2017, 01:15 AM

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