Poll: Are you embarrassed for voting for or supporting Trump?
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Serious Question for Trump voters/supporters. Are you embarrassed by anything yet?
(08-05-2017, 11:49 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/20/us/not-my-presidents-day-protests/index.html

Not saying you have to love him or anything, but you pretending nobody is trying to deny the election is awfully silly. If people recognized he duly and legitimately elected, they wouldn't have rioted (there were non-Antifa riots) or held marches and protests of how he's not their President. If they accepted the results of the election, then they would accept that he's their President. That kind of goes hand-in-hand.

No it doesn't, Leonard.  According to your links, people are upset that Trump won the electoral vote but not the popular. That is not "denying the election." They are upset that a spectacular incompetent won by stirring hatred and xenophobia. They are organizing to oppose his agenda.

Denying the election is what happened in 2000
when the Supreme Court decided Bush won amidst a recount, even though Gore won the popular vote. Then people protested saying that Bush was not duly elected.

No one in the links you provided is saying the election was fraudulent. They say Trump is "not my president" because they recognize his unfitness for office.

We are only talking about "denying the election" because it is the repeated claim of Trump and Trumpsters is that there is Russian investigation only because Democrats dispute the outcome of the presidential election, not because so many Trump campaign members met with Russian operatives and spies while Russia was hacking the election--and then denied they did. 

My claim is that there is no Democrat of consequence, no "movement" claiming the election was fraudulent or "denying the election."  That is simply made up by Trumpsters, an attempt to impute false motives to the investigators. Your links do not prove otherwise.

Plenty of people protest elections and presidents who don't doubt the election process. Protest does not go "hand in hand" with election denial. Even people who vote for a president may at some point protest his election.  People say "Not my president" because they recognize Trump's unfitness for office.

Trump would have you believe that Democrats claim the Russian investigation is legitimate to de-legitimize his election. He is fearful of what the investigation will expose. Do not let this reality show star manipulate your perception of political realities in the US.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Serious Question for Trump voters/supporters. Are you embarrassed by anything yet? - Dill - 08-07-2017, 12:09 PM

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