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If a North Korean nuclear attack happened
(08-07-2017, 06:54 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Even worse yet, I was reading that NK is building diplomatic alliances with Iran, whom their likely getting their Nuke Tech from.  Btw, did you read about Russia's new air weaponry?  Their jets are equipped with laser that knocks out the guidance system of missiles.  

Oh, and what administration would be to blame?  None, all on the aggressor.  Let 'em have it, with both barrels, going forward.

It wouldn't be worth the price, but if NK actually hit the US with a nuke or any other kind of missile attack, it would accomplish what now seems impossible.  It would unite the people of this country to a degree that it hasn't been in decades.  I'd venture to say moreso even than 911.  Not only would most of the American public approve of aggression in return, we'd demand it and quick.  

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RE: If a North Korean nuclear attack happened - samhain - 08-07-2017, 08:00 PM

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