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US Military Plans Bombing Strikes On North Korea
I'm just glad that we have a leader with some balls that is putting America's foot down and standing up to North Korea,

Trump has six B1 bombers set-up in Guam and ready to bomb missile sites in North Korea.

Kim Jong Un has been testing testing missiles and reportedly may be able to arm them with nukes within a year.

I'm all for diplomatic relations and trying to solve things peacefully, but Kim Jong Un is a psycho and has made it very clear that he has no intentions of following any sort of calls for international piece or unity and he doesn't give a shit about international laws.

Quote:The American military is ready with a plan to strike North Korean missile sites in a preemptive attack if Donald Trump decides to do so.

The plan involves flying a B-1B heavy bomber from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam accompanied by satellites, drones, higher jets, and aerial refuelling warplanes. Training for the mission has been ongoing, and there have been 11 practice runs for a similar mission since May when the training was accelerated.

That means that we have it all planned and organized, so we're ready to go if need-be and it wouldn't be just some sloppy act out of emotion.

It says that there is other military options to consider, which the only one I can think of would be to put troops on the ground, which I highly doubt we do, and this would be risking a lot less lives:

Quote:“Of the military options … [President Trump] could consider, this would be one of the two or three that would at least have the possibility of not escalating the situation,” retired Admiral James Stavridis, the former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, told NBC.

At least he is considering all options, though.

Quote:There are six B-1B bombers positioned in Guam, about 2,100 miles by air to North Korea. The bombers have been heavily used in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and have been updated since then.

The news of the potential operations comes as the relationship between the US and North Korea has become very strained. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Mr Trump have engaged in a heated back and forth of threats. Recently, Mr Trump promised “fire and fury” if Mr Kim didn’t stop threatening the United States. In response, Mr Kim’s government signaled they were considering an attack on Guam if Mr Trump didn’t cool his tough talk.

I love that because I feel like Obama made us lose a lot of respect as a country and he apologized for America's arrogance, whereas Trump is saying "you want to try to strong-arm us? We'll show you why we're the greatest nation on the planet."

He's also strategically only targeting locations that could be a threat to us:

Quote:Should Mr Trump choose the attack plan that includes the B-1B bomber, they would be targeting approximately two dozen North Korean missile-launch sites, test grounds and other facilities, sources told NBC.

Once again, I love it because we're not just sitting back and waiting for them to attack us or other people and we're saying "knock that shit off."

There's a bit more in the link, but that pretty much sums it up.

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US Military Plans Bombing Strikes On North Korea - BFritz21 - 08-10-2017, 10:53 PM

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