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If a North Korean nuclear attack happened
Quote:Australia vows to invoke mutual defence pact if NK attacks US

Australia has said it will invoke its long standing military alliance with America in the event the North Korean regime attacks the US. Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, issued the pledge on Friday following overnight talks with US vice president Mike Pence about escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula.

 “America stands by its allies, including Australia of course, and we stand by the United States,” Mr Turnbull told Australian radio. “So be very, very clear on that. If there’s an attack on the US, the Anzus Treaty would be invoked and Australia would come to the aid of the United States, as America would come to our aid if we were attacked.” 

Mr Turnbull’s comments are much tougher than those made by Julie Bishop, Australia’s foreign minister, who on Thursday said Australia would not automatically be involved were there to be a “catastrophic” conflict on the Korean peninsula. “In fact we were not a party, in the legal sense, to the [Korean War] armistice so there is no automatic trigger for Australia to be involved,” 

Ms Bishop told Australia’s state broadcaster. “As far as the Anzus alliance is concerned, that is an obligation to consult. But of course we’ve been in constant discussion with the United States.” Australia’s military and strategic alliance with the US dates to 1951 when both countries signed the Anzus treaty, along with New Zealand. Although New Zealand later abrogated the pact, the mutual defence provisions are binding between the US and Australia and it remains the bedrock of Canberra’s foreign policy. Australian troops have fought alongside US forces in every major military conflict since the first world war.

In addition to this Japan said it will shoot down any North Korean missles fired by NK towards US territory.

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RE: If a North Korean nuclear attack happened - Matt_Crimson - 08-11-2017, 07:21 AM

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