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US Military Plans Bombing Strikes On North Korea
(08-11-2017, 11:30 AM)Millhouse Wrote: So what should the U.S. and the world do?

The same approach over the last few decades, with the result being them building more and more nukes with more ICBMs as diplomacy, no matter who does it, will not work? All the while perfecting that technology and constantly making threats on wiping out our country? Not just verbal threats, but showing videos of them doing so. And when they do have a massive stockpile 10 to 20 years from now, it will be too late to do anything about it.

We will just have to cross our fingers and hope that this soulless ultra-militaristic nation with a lifelong sadistic dictator wont use them on us or anyone. And people yapping about Iraq and Afghanistan. Blah blah blah. Those countries and Islamic groups never posed a threat as great as North Korea is right now. They have explicitly stated they want to destroy us with nukes, and they are building the capabilities to do so.

But hey, if they do use them on us someday down the road and we never took action, at least we can hold our heads high while seeing it all end around us and say, 'at least we didn't have any bloodshed in not preventing in our destruction.'

I'm almost at a loss for words.


North Korea is a potential threat. Islamic terrorists are a threat. Thousands of Americans have died as a result of 911 and combat operations overseas. American service members are still dying combating the very people you just claimed are less of a threat than the people they aren't fighting. The attacks affect not just America, but many other countries as well.

You're argument is the same argument used to depose Saddam. "What if he gets his hands on WMDs?" What if the Taliban, ISIS, or al-Qaeda gets their hands on one of Pakistan's nukes? What if Iran gets their hands on nukes? Whose ass should we put our foot up first? North Korea or Iran who don't have nukes? Or Pakistan who does have nukes?

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RE: US Military Plans Bombing Strikes On North Korea - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 08-11-2017, 02:05 PM

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