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Rubio: Life begins at conception
(08-09-2015, 01:04 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I've been keeping up with this thread, but didn't actively participate simply because it seems like a lot of the same old tired talking points.  Many of which I've made myself on the same topic in a thread on the old boards. I've been put in the situation with my sons mother (we are both pro-choice), where neither of us were ready for a child.  In the end we couldn't do it, and I have a son that turns 15yo today.  I couldn't imagine my life without him.  That being said this was and still is a difficult decision for anyone in that situation and is not one taken lightly.  It is not my role to make that decision for them, and I can still see many circumstances in which abortion is the appropriate decision.  I can also see where abortion is not the appropriate choice for many circumstances.  However it also is not my or your responsibility to make that decision for someone else.  It is a very personal decision for the would be mother and possibly father.  Not yours or mine.

I remain pro-choice.

Best post in the entire thread and it's not even close.  The point that is often ignored, by both sides, is just how difficult this kind of decision is to make.  You articulated this well.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rubio: Life begins at conception - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 08-09-2015, 01:20 PM

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