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Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated"
(08-18-2017, 07:59 AM)tigerseye Wrote: If you can't see through what CNN is doing, you need to look harder.

CNN sends its pawns to slaughter, to accomplish their larger goals.

Propaganda for their owners. The super rich.

Their owners want open borders, no national identity, no more Constitution, one world government, etc.... (money and power)

They crank people up and use it to accomplish their goals.

Right now they are cranking people up on race relations to erase some of our national monuments (destroying our history/identity) and they have plenty of morons to do they're bidding. (on both sides)

They will never allow race relations to be fixed. They don't want it fixed. They use it for votes and for use and supply of pawns/tools.

They don't care about race relations to them it is a tool.
"Propaganda for their owners. The super rich."
This could apply to Right also with the Koch brothers and the such.

They want to eliminate the middle class.

I always thought the "Money Changers" keep this two party system going. The old divide and conquer.

Trump trashes CNN labeling them "fake News". Trump tweets something stupid every day. CNN is pissed and wants to discredit him any chance they get. Trump gives them plenty of
ammo to do this. Is this being bias? Yes Just like Trump is bias loving Fox news.

The Repubs have been in power over six months now. Have you noticed your take home pay in your check go up yet? Don't hold your breath.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated" - ballsofsteel - 08-18-2017, 08:21 AM

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