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Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated"
(08-18-2017, 07:32 AM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah well. I've been visiting this place for quite some time, and this "if the shoe were on the other foot" argument comes frequently. I don't think it holds too much merit here. First, there was a terrorist attack in Spain, that consumes time. Your media doesn't cover a broad scope of subjects. Second, she wasn't an all important political figure, and not a senator. And third, they did report it. 

She is a state senator, I think that's important. She's not the president of the United States but she still holds an influential position. As far as the reporting of the article I already had this thread typed out and ready to post but searched for about an hour looking for other articles on it to make sure it was real and accurate. I searched the CNN site trying to find any mention of it and I didn't find anything. I searched on google and no results showed up anywhere. Then all of a sudden it's there. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but other outlets were clearly shown to have reported it. Fox News was also one of the top results that popped up but I couldn't find anything from CNN. 

Quote:I get an idea of how political Americans tend to think in teams, and CNN is considered to be part of the other team. To me it's a trap they cannot avoid. Someone will always spin the things they report or don't report the way you did. It isn't quite accurate, and it isn't quite helpful, for in the end it fuels a conspiracy (CNN is under the carpet with democrats, they suppress stories, they are complicit in a hate tweet etc.) - And when trying to be objective (which is always a subjective feeling in the end), I think a terrorist attack is more important - as is an US president seriously suggesting methods like killing a group of moslems with bullets put in pig blood and let one survive to tell "his people". If Obama had said something like that... it always goes both ways. But whatever, those were the stories of the day. Another day, the tweet might have been featured more heavily.

It wasn't swept under the rug, she will face the consequences, and leaving it at that is the more harmonic way then to engage in a forced media/CNN outrage. Those things also contribute to an environment of mistrust.

For the record I'm not on any "side". I actually really used to like CNN and hate Fox News with a passion. But over the last year and a half or so I've really noticed how bias and ridiculous the reporting at CNN is. Yes, I understand a terrorist attack happened, but there's been multiple times where Ive seen CNN talk about something like Trump's comments about someone's weight or something and spend hours, sometimes days talking about something pretty minuscule when there were other important things happening in world. It's not all "conspiracy". Maybe I was wrong and they did report it earlier and for some reason my computer couldn't pick it up, but CNN clearly does have an agenda. Other times when I've searched for articles for their authenticity I've had no problem finding any mention of it by CNN.

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RE: Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated" - Matt_Crimson - 08-18-2017, 09:11 AM

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