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Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated"
(08-18-2017, 12:12 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, that's a difficult call to make, especially as a consumer. It's subjective. You are annoyed by Russia. Many people probably are not (like me, as an European I am quite aware of the danger they pose and that we are under Russian propaganda attack - many Americans are fairly chilled about that one, and I think you're wrong in being chilled).

I'm confused as to what you mean by Americans being chilled about Russia. Not the phrase, but what you mean by that statement.

Quote:CNN, being far from perfect, goes with sensationalism and with the ratings. That the 99% number is fairly exaggerated is something you know, I just want to emphasise how exaggerated it is. And Russia is by no means a media construction. It's not CNN, not the public opinion, not democrats that brought the investigations and the committees and the special counsel on. And the existence of these things are extraordinary. Is it too much Russia, too much Trump - I couldn't say. I don't have the comparison, I just know that it's quite a huge story overall. Just, FOX talks Trump all the time as well. It doesn't seem exclusive to media like CNN that you consider agenda-driven.

It's not what a president is supposed to do - worrying about the media first and foremost, about his perception; instead of running the country and these things. So sure he is enabling what you describe by going on the counter-attack at alleged attacks; he seems to feed off of it. In other instances, I am fairly certain he uses shocking tweets as a distraction, things where he knows about the media reaction. Another thing is, your president is a FOX tool, or FOX a president's tool, however you want to see it. But this is his station, FOX is the "good media" as opposed to the "fake news" (because they are on his side as of now, that's actually an "agenda"). So whenever you see CNN as being on the other side of the aisle, it might not be because they are, but because it is orchestrated that way by Team FOX and Trump. 

Exaggerated? Maybe. Grossly exaggerated? Definitely not. I've been flipping between CNN and Fox News for months since Donald Trump ran for and became president and the amount of disproportionate coverage that I've seen is absolutely ridiculous on CNN. It may not be 99% but it's definitely up there. 

When Donald Trump tweeted the edited WWE video of him attacking Vince McMahon CNN spent four consecutive days talking about it. They even put out a report about their report to report what they had already reported about the tweet. They even went as far as to track down who originally posted the video and reported on that as well.

When I get up in the morning and turn on the tv it's constant talking about Donald Trump. When I get home from work and turn on the tv it's constant talking about Donald Trump. I've seen CNN air more live events of Donald Trump than Fox News. I would literally flip between the two when Donald Trump was speaking live and CNN would be the only one showing it while Fox News was busy talking about something else. Any chance they get to pick at anything negative he does during that live speech they are on it.  A lot of it is about ratings and people are falling for this "moral outage" BS that CNN is spewing.

Quote:And that they hate him? That's on Trump, not on an underlying CNN agenda. He wanted them to, left them no legit choice but to be in opposition.

What do you mean he "Left them no choice"? They're a news organization. They're supposed to be reporting news. They spend hour after hour talking about Trump because they choose to, not because Trump forced anything on them. You can report on Trump without having to spend hours talking about how he tweeted what he ate for breakfast.

Quote:The lies and misinformations coming out of the WH are one thing. The direct attacks are another thing. It's not possible to keep it real and shed a light on the Trump side of the stories, when in most cases this side just makes bogus claims (I think it is fair to say that). 

Please tell me what direct attacks that came from Trump you believe deserve a significant amount of air time.

Quote:However, CNN actually tries to bring Trump supporters on in their opinion pieces, like this tool Jeffrey Lord and then some, to keep it as balanced as possible. That most apolitical or politically independent figures that get interviewed are anti-Trump too, and hence that there is that imbalance, is not CNN's fault.

How is it not CNN's fault? CNN is the one choosing to report what they're reporting. They're the ones who decide to bring Trump supporters on the air to have a verbal war about Donald Trump's tweets. The fact that Trump said it isn't the point. The point is that CNN deliberately chooses to pick out every little thing that Trump does and airs it as "outrage".

After making this thread and responding to a couple of the comments I asked one of my co-workers today if he thinks the Donald Trump coverage on CNN is good or bad. He asked me "Good or bad for who? CNN or Trump?" I said "Trump". My co-worker and I talk about politics a lot, and he's a very left leaning individual and a huge Bernie Sanders supporter and a very opinionated guy..... I mean very opinionated. And he absolutely can't stand Trump.
After I asked him that question he immediately went on a full tirade about how the coverage is good for Trump and how he thinks it's stupid how much CNN reports his tweets and the stupid things that he says. He said CNN is doing exactly what helped Trump get to where he is. He was heavily critical of how CNN barely reported anything positive about the candidates (namely Bernie Sanders) and instead opted to go the ratings rout and just completely pounce on Donald Trump. He brought up the whole Rosie O'dennell thing and said "Who cares what Trump has to say about Rosie O'dennell. All of that is meaningless to me" He did however acknowledge that a lot of the stuff Trump said was “bad” but he didn’t believe it was worth “24/7 news coverage”. He brought up the Trump groping incident and said “Was it bad? Yeah, I thought it was ridiculous. But then they just kept going on and on and on with that stupid access Hollywood video and continued talking about it for days”.
He said it’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t even want to read or listen to the news anymore. He’s absolutely not happy that Trump is president but he also thinks the coverage of Trump is insane and just can’t wait for all of this to pass so he can stop hearing about Trumps tweets. He even said he's tired of the whole Russia thing when months before he was pretty adamant about it.

I went into our conversation with the assumption that he was going to just verbally beat down Trump when he actually ended up just saying everything that I wanted to say without me having to say it. The only thing I added in was that I thought CNN was only helping to bring fruition Trump's comments about how the media is on a "witch hunt" and he said "Absolutely. Look the thing is, Trump says a lot of dumb shit, but how is reporting all of the dumb shit he says inform me of anything other than the fact that he is a dumbshit which I've known way before the guy even became president? It's like the media is ltreating it's viewers like we're too incapable of knowing that Trump is a low life d-bag that hurls insults at everyone. We already know that. We've known it for months. We already know the type of person he is, why do they feel the need to beat us over the head with all of his dumbshit. They need to just move on and start actually reporting news instead of being a bunch of talking heads about the same damn thing every day. It's all just a bunch of bullshit.  Lets hear something positive about someone else instead of hearing the same negative shit about Trump"

Then he asked me "Do you honestly think Trump is doing and saying all the shit that he does because he actually believes it?" and I said "Well...." and before I could really say anything he jumped in and said, "I don't. I don't believe that dude believes any of the shit he says or posts or tweets or whatever. This is all a game to him and the media is playing right into it. Trump even said himself that all press is good press. Why don't people see what's going on here? This is all a bunch of back and forth bullshit like some sort of reality show. I'm honestly at the point where I don't care what Trump does anymore. I'm just sick of hearing about him."

That's not everything he said but that's the parts of our conversation (paraphrased) I can remember right now.

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RE: Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated" - Matt_Crimson - 08-18-2017, 07:20 PM

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