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Trump Continues to Lead After Debate
(08-10-2015, 12:27 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Wonderful series of bumper sticker slogans you have there.

I don't believe somebody should be judged based on a piece of creative writing they produced over 40 years ago, and I'd love to hear why you think they should; assuming of course that what you said was anything more than a laughable cheap shot.

So in other words, you want a candidate who isn't accepting big corporate donations, but won't actually attempt to do anything to prevent that from happening in American politics anymore?

Trump is your man. Rock On

I hate Trump just as much, if that means anything. 

And yes, I was sort of being facetious on the rape fantasy thing. 

I don't think there's any one guy that's going to be able to change it.  Someone may come along and try.  It won't work though.  There's too much money involved and way too much corruption. 

I'm no tin-foil guy, but we're on borrowed time as a nation...and embracing socialism would speed that process up. 

I'm a registered libertarian who hasn't voted for a GOP candidate in the national election since Bush in '00.  I doubt very seriously I'll be voting for a GOP candidate this time around. 

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RE: Trump Continues to Lead After Debate - jakefromstatefarm - 08-10-2015, 12:31 AM

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