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Speaking of Nazi's: Iceland is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome children
(08-20-2017, 11:40 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: You see, you assumed that since I didn't paint abortion in the absolute most evil of colors, that I was an abortion proponent. There was literally zero defense there (unless you're talking about me saying that it's not nazi behavior (it's not))....I stated exactly what it is. You didn't care to ask about my opinion on the subject, you just want straight for the attack. So you got called "Derpy McDerperson" due to your incorrect's a standard thing I call people that assume incorrect things about me.

Get outta here with that. Apology accepted.

For the record, for anyone who is curious, and so certain posters don't get upset due to their own assumptions: I consider my self to be pro-life, although I'm conflicted on the issue. I'm probably a bit less pro-life than the average black-and-white "how could you murder a baby?" pro-lifers, but much more pro-life than the "it's out of the womb...**** it." pro-lifers...who are often the same people.  

My opinions on the subject are public record on this forum, and I've stated them on more occasion than one. They may evolve a bit as I grow as a person (and I reserve that right), but I feel I've been pretty consistent on the subject.

Very well, apology to you.

However, in this particular forum, it would seem to be poor form to mask one's views from post to post.  Now, go take off your shifty McClever glasses, and go re-read what you originally wrote.  (assuming that you did)  Please explain why you would want to appear to be supporting the people killing babies on only the suspicion of being down syndrome in one post, then proclaim yourself to be pro life in the next?  At the very least, that is borderline on trolling the OP.  Please stop.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Speaking of Nazi's: Iceland is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome children - SunsetBengal - 08-21-2017, 12:01 AM

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