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Speaking of Nazi's: Iceland is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome children
(08-21-2017, 12:01 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Very well, apology to you.

However, in this particular forum, it would seem to be poor form to mask one's views from post to post.  Now, go take off your shifty McClever glasses, and go re-read what you originally wrote.  (assuming that you did)  Please explain why you would want to appear to be supporting the people killing babies on only the suspicion of being down syndrome in one post, then proclaim yourself to be pro life in the next?  At the very least, that is borderline on trolling the OP.  Please stop.

Ok...let's get to the heart of the issue.  

You seem to believe that me saying that aborting an embryo is not "Nazi behavior" = me saying that I support people killing an embryo. That's the problem here. There are no "masked views". I legitimately do not consider that to be Nazi behavior. You're crazy if you do. I also legitimately do not particularly agree with that choice (though the genetic disorder aspect of it makes it less clear cut).  You don't need Shifty McClever glasses to be able to see the difference here.  

Now, I think it's more than borderline trolling for you to continue painting my views in a way that you know they were not intended in an attempt to get a conversational upper hand. Please stop.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Speaking of Nazi's: Iceland is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome children - Johnny Cupcakes - 08-21-2017, 12:22 AM

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