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Speaking of Nazi's: Iceland is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome children
(08-21-2017, 01:49 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Just wanted to point out more misinformation

1) Lucie claimed the test determines who is low or high risk. Incorrect. The doctor determines who is high risk, not the test. High risk mothers are encouraged to get the test. The screening test results are used to determine who should have additional testing.

2) Lucie claimed the test is forced on women. If that were true all women would be forced to get the screening test and all women would be forced to undergo amniocentesis against their will. The reason screening tests are used is to identify who needs the more invasive and riskier amniocentesis. The reason they don't do the more accurate amniocentesis on all patients is because it carries a greater risk of abortion (one abortion for every 200-300 amniocentesis procedures.) Thus screening tests reduce the number of unwanted or iatrogenic abortions.

3) The accuracy of amniocentesis is 99.5% which is significantly different than the figure the Daily Wire reported to deliberately dumb down their readers. This is the test result used to counsel parents about the the possibility of terminating the pregnancy, NOT the 85% figure the Daily Wire used. (Chomosomal mosaism and contaimination of the sample with blood from the mother account for the other 0.5%.) The number of affected kids slipping through the cracks would be 0.5% if this testing was forced on the mothers.

Everything I claimed and cited is actually from the CBS original report on the topic. This is a follow up piece to that story from the DW. As I and others have told you and others... you are more than welcome to go to the original CBS story and haggle with the writer of that story.

But we all know the only reason you are haggling here over nonsense is because I posted the thread. This has been proven time and again on these boards. We know who acts like a bunch of stalkers when I post. Other posters have posted the same threads with the same sources and there has been civil discussion.

You need to have a word with yourself. If you can not help yourself then maybe you should just block me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Speaking of Nazi's: Iceland is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome children - StLucieBengal - 08-21-2017, 03:07 PM

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