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What could Mike, Marv and Dalton do to sway your opinion of them?
(08-10-2015, 09:37 AM)djs7685 Wrote: I don't think you're a homer for being optimistic, I think you're a homer for being unrealistic.

1. The whole "we weren't favored in X amount of games" bullshit is just that, it's bullshit. You can't just say "oh well" every time you're a 3 point underdog and lose the game by 15+ points. That's not really how odds work. I don't know how many times I've tried explaining this to people. If we were covering the spread each time, this could be a different conversation, but that's not what has happened. You can say "well, we weren't supposed to win the Texans games, so it's not a huge deal", but you don't realize by bringing up odds, you're actually proving MY point and going against your own conclusion. We weren't "supposed" to win if you talk odds, but we also weren't "supposed" to get blown out and look like a college team either, were we?

2. You have no major issues with MB and only halftime adjustments being your issue with ML, but then you go on and on about how it's an entire team effort in the losses and blah, blah, blah. The usual excuse for people defending the owner and coach. If you have a long list of players and reasons of why we didn't win any of the playoff games that we've been to, then who do you suppose that ultimately falls on? If we never have the 40+ players capable of winning postseason games, that HAS to fall on either the owner/GM, coach, or both of them. You can't say it's the players fault but not the owner/coach's fault without realizing who is putting them on the field and who is calling the shots. If the problem is the talent on the field, then ultimately, it's the fault of whoever is putting that talent on the field and expecting them to win football games.

I'll never understand the people that want to generalize everything with the mindset of "well, it's the whole team's fault, so we can't blame anyone specifically", that's flat out goofy logic. Yes, we haven't had many players step up in the playoff games, but that doesn't mean that all blame is exactly equal and individual players and coaches shouldn't be criticized.

I will address one point as I stopped reading your BS response immediately after you stated:

You can't just say "oh well" every time you're a 3 point underdog and lose the game by 15+ points.

I can say anything I like, you can disagree all you want, but you are wrong to suggest anyone can't speak their mind,
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First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats

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RE: What could Mike, Marv and Dalton do to sway your opinion of them? - Luvnit2 - 08-10-2015, 10:08 AM

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