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Study: Breitbart-led right-wing media ecosystem altered broader media agenda
(08-27-2017, 01:16 AM)Vlad Wrote: Hopefully you aren't implying that medias excessive coverage of "the wall" and "muslim ban" was intended to help Trump.
Even a simpleton could deduce that the strategy was meant to help Hillary by portraying Trump as a racist....or at least a big bad meanie.

If this Trump bashing strategy did indeed leave less room for reporting Hillary's "detailed and logical policies" resulting in her losing the election ...then you must conclude that it backfired.

A "simpleton" could deduce that Trump knew nothing about governing and was temperamentally unfit for the presidency.
"Excessive" media coverage of what Trump actually said could not "portray" Trump as racist any more than what Trump actually said. The best that can be said at this point is the racism was a draw to some voters and the rest did not care.  Still don't.

Much of what Trump said could have been just an aside and a joke in the national media, except that attacks on minorities drove his numbers up week by week. The press cannot ignore the Republican front runner and what he says. One must conclude that millions of voters saturated in right wing media were neither interested in "detailed and logical policies" nor following the "lying" MSM anyway.

(08-27-2017, 01:16 AM)Vlad Wrote: Breightbart isn't the mainstream media. People don't watch Bbart when they turn on the TV.  The lying misleading corrupt mainstream media, an extension of the democRAT party is why Bbart exists.

This "study" is crap. Someone gotta find an explanation for why Hillary lost.  There is...she sucks.

Incidentally, Trump spoke about a little more than just "the wall" and a "muslim ban"... how about the repeal of Obama care, taking care of our Veterans, keeping job here, destroying ISIS?  

If social science belongs to the mysterious realm of "democRATs," then assessing media studies by how well they do or do not confirm your personal bias is the only standard you are left with.  Same goes for your judgment of the "lying corrupt mainstream media," which left the standard of truth-telling behind long ago.  

Incidentally, the issue was never just WHAT Trump spoke about, but HOW--promising that solutions to domestic and foreign problems would be easy, he would pick "the best people" and have policies in place in 30 days to repeal Obamacare, wipe out ISIS, punish China, etc. etc. etc. Remember when he had the fundraiser on a battleship for a veteran's group that only had one member?   Mexico was going to pay for the wall? 

What is the profile of the Trump voter persuaded by the Trump show--and not only to vote against Hillary, but against all the other candidates as well? Claiming that Hillary sucks hardly explains the bad judgement of millions of voters who selected Trump from a brace of conservative Republicans who knew how government works. The study provides a piece of the puzzle, as does your response to it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Study: Breitbart-led right-wing media ecosystem altered broader media agenda - Dill - 08-28-2017, 08:23 AM

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