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Muslim 'mediator' defends gang rape after attack
Fortunately he is being called out by others because of this.

Quote:Rome, August 28 - A 24-year-old apparently Muslim 'cultural mediator' for an Italian migrant-reception cooperative got into hot water Monday by saying rape was "a worse act, but only at the beginning, when the willy goes in, then the woman becomes calm and you enjoy it like normal intercourse".

    There were calls for the man, Abid Jee, to be sacked over the Facebook post, which caused a stir despite being quickly removed.

    Jee was commenting on the Friday night rapes of a Polish tourist and a transsexual prostitute by a reported North African gang of four in Rimini.

Sadly there was even worse talk from some anti-immigrant types:

Quote:  A politician for the We With Salvini rightwing populist party, Saverio Solvini, also drew flak by commenting, in light of a rape by suspected migrants, who are generally treated more favourably by leftwingers: "But when will it (rape) happen to (House Speaker Laura) Boldrini and the women of the (centre-left) Democratic Party?".

    We With Salvini is the southern branch of the anti-immigrant Northern League, led by Matteo Salvini.

    Salvini faced calls to sack Solvini, who is party chief in the southern town of San Giovanni Rotondo.

Fortunately calmer heads are talking about such things:

Quote:House Speaker Laura Boldrini on Tuesday reacted to those who said she had failed to condemn a North African gang's rape of two people in Rimini because of her pro-migrant stances by saying "I find the level of the debate in these days chilling". She said "there are deplorable polemics, by those who only aimed to poison the climate. My condemnation is obviously unconditional. Those who doubt my commitment in this field is surely in bad faith and biased." Asked about the Northern Leaguer who suggested she should be raped, she said: "it's a repugnant episode. They are touching bottom".

    Boldrini said leaders "who open up to hate are responsible" for debasing the political debate in Italy.

    She said the many people who threaten her on Facebook have a "clear orientation, and this is the result".

And the "man" in question was sacked:

Quote:    A politician for the We With Salvini (NcS) rightwing populist party, Saverio Solvini, was sacked Monday for asking, in light of a Rimini gang rape by apparent migrants, "when will it (rape) happen to (House Speaker Laura) Boldrini and the women of the (centre-left) Democratic Party?".

    "Solvini is no longer a party member, as of today," said Puglia NcS chief Rossano Sasso, saying the party disassociated itself from what he had said.

    Boldrini, noted for her pro-migrant stances, is a hate figure for rightists and recently said she would start suing them for the extreme statements, many couched in sexual language, she regularly receives.

    We With Salvini is the southern branch of the anti-immigrant Northern League, led by Matteo Salvini.

    Salvini had earlier faced calls to sack Solvini, who was party chief in the southern town of San Giovanni Rotondo.

It's almost like there was more to a story than "Muslim 'mediator' defends gang rape after attack ".

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RE: Muslim 'mediator' defends gang rape after attack - GMDino - 08-31-2017, 08:56 AM

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