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Charlie Hedbo/Politico on Harvey
Just some heartwarming stuff here folks. Apparently everyone in Texas who got hurt by Hurricane Charlie, deserved it because God brought it down on them for being Neo Nazi.

Can you imagine the backlash if some Texan group made a comic cover saying "Thank Allah for Muslim truck drivers! They ran over all the Neo Nazi in Nice!" Who decides that this kind of thing is a good idea to print and distribute?
Quote:French magazine Charlie Hebdo sparked a firestorm of criticism with its latest cover, which declares "God Exists! He Drowned All the Neo-Nazis of Texas" amid catastrophic storm damage and deadly flooding from Hurricane Harvey.

The illustration shows half-submerged swastika flags and people drowning while giving the Nazi salute.

The blowback on Twitter was swift from American media representatives on both the right and left.

Charlie Hebdo has been targeted twice by terrorists in 2011 and 2015 for its depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.

The 2015 attack killed 12 staffers, including several prominent cartoonists.

Its latest cover comes on the heels of a Wednesday Politico cartoon that depicted a Texas resident wearing a Confederate flag shirt and a ten-gallon hat being rescued from a flooded home while holding a sign that reads "secede."

The man characterizes first responders as "Angels! Sent by God."

"Er, actually Coast Guard... sent by the government," a rescuer then says.

The reaction to that cartoon also led to harsh criticism, particularly from the right.

The Politico cartoon by the Washington, D.C.-based Matt Wuerker was deleted a few hours after being published online.

Wuerker won the Pulitzer prize Editorial Cartooning in 2012 and was nominated for the same award in 2009 and 2010.
The two things in question:
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[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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Charlie Hedbo/Politico on Harvey - TheLeonardLeap - 08-31-2017, 11:32 PM

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