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Bad boys, bad boys...watcha gonna do?
(09-07-2017, 12:13 PM)GMDino Wrote: Hard to say as there was no investigation.

Wait, did you say it's hard to say if something criminal happened in this instance?  What possible evidence do you have of any criminal wrongdoing of any sort?

Quote:The article says he was going to be fired but quit before that.  They don't say why he was going to be fired and I can't imagine they could do it for no reason at all.  My analogy was for people who also did not commit crimes but were accused of something.

No, you mentioned people being arrested for something they didn't do.  It happens, not as often as you would like to believe, but it does.  Sometime the DA chooses not to file because they don't think they'd win in court, that doesn't mean the crime didn't occur in reality, it just can't be legally proven to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt.  Alternatively, the DA didn't want to risk losing a close case.  As I said, there's a lot of middle ground between an ironclad, smoking gun, arrest and a complete abuse of power arrest.

Quote:It was a quote from the public safety department...not just what "some journalist said."

I'll reiterate, since your choosing to focus on something other than the point; I don't know the particulars of that departments contract or what benefits he would have kept, or lost, if he was fired for cause.  If you think that one sentence from a public safety official cores the full range of possibilities then have at it.  I envy your ability to think so simplistically.

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RE: Bad boys, bad boys...watcha gonna do? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 09-07-2017, 12:57 PM

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