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Target removes gender based signage for kids
(08-11-2015, 04:13 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You must really be naïve cause your statement is false.

Companies do not always make every decision to maximize profit. Sometimes they build good will with-in their community, or make charitable contributions, with the end goal not always directed at maximizing profits.

Research showed them that: people want the toys identified by Brand, Age and Gender (in no specific order). And that is how the set it up, until someone complained about it and made a big deal about something stupid because they felt offended.

The only thing I am forcing Target to do is KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. Make it easy for me to find what I'm looking for or I will go elsewhere.

NO the weren't forced per say, but they were pressured into making a change that went against all of their research. They were pretty much put between a rock and a hard place by the internet trolls and their reaction was knee jerk.

Target would never do this unless they saw it as a good business move.

You just don't understand how business works if you do not understand this.

They are getting a lot of free publicity that they feel makes them look good.  It is all about profits.  

Messages In This Thread
RE: Target removes gender based signage for kids - fredtoast - 08-11-2015, 04:16 PM

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