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If Marijuana Was To Become Legal
(09-09-2017, 04:44 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I suffer from chronic pain and will be on opiates for the rest of my life. But I had heard and read that marijuana works wonders for pain and that the drug isn't as bad for you as opiates.

If marijuana was to become legal, even just for medicinal purposes, would insurance cover the cost?

Right now I pay $3.00 per month for my pain medication, if marijuana isn't covered and is this great drug, I would not be able to pay for it. 

Opiates suck, they mess with your body, your liver, your brain, your hearing, they just suck. I know marijuana isn't good for you but it is better than opiates.

That would be completely false.  

Alcohol is bad for you.  Cigarettes are bad for you.  

Marijuana, if anything, is good for you if you're an adult.  It helps regrow the brain and I'm missing big chunks of mine from the wreck.  The only time that I think clearly is when I'm high.  

It should at least be legal for medical in Kentucky but there's so much money in keeping it illegal that who knows if it will ever happen, even though it's the biggest cash crop in the state and they'd make a fortune from taxing it.

It is dangerous, though, because I've seen where it can damage growth in teenage minds, and making it legal for adults could make it more common for teens, although studies have shown that that's not the case.  Whether it's true or not that it damages growth and development of the brain, I'm not sure.

I'm all for it and you should find a reliable dealer or at least go through someone you trust to find someone reliable if you need it.

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RE: If Marijuana Was To Become Legal - BFritz21 - 09-09-2017, 07:09 PM

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