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Rubio: Life begins at conception
(08-12-2015, 01:12 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: What did the Supreme Court say about the fetus' rights?  They don't supersede the rights of the mother.  But, even though you are discussing rights this isn't a legal matter to you it is a moral matter.

But, you don't want to be subject to other's morals.  You prefer to be guided by your own conscience based upon your morals, values, and beliefs.

Did you ever consider others might want the same?  Especially in a moral dilemma?

For starters, you seem really hung up on the legal side of things.  I know what the rulings are, but I know that my opinions tell me that I don't care.  Just because something is legal, doesn't make it right IMO.  For example, I think the war on drugs is a joke.  I don't use, and never have.  So my opinion on this isn't based on selfishness or that I just want to be able to smoke without fear of consequences.  That said, I know that it's ILLEGAL.  I don't question that is illegal, I question WHY. 

It's the same for me with abortion. 

The difference between something like drug use and abortion, is that if someone chooses to use drugs, it's their body.  If they want to smoke, inject, or otherwise consume drugs, who am I to tell them not to?  It has no effect on anyone other than them. 

Abortion has a direct effect on another life.  It in facts ends another life.  That life has no choice. 

So a somewhat related question....

Since so many here believe that the baby is not really a life, and has no rights, and it's the woman's you guys believe that it's perfectly okay for a pregnant woman to smoke, drink alcohol, and do drugs while pregnant? 

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RE: Rubio: Life begins at conception - jakefromstatefarm - 08-12-2015, 01:27 AM

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