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Marvin should have fired himself!
We can't get away from the truth we don't want to admit. No matter if it's all Mikey or some Katie, there is no accountability. Improvement isn't rewarded enough, you have a number to go get as a FA or you walk. Failure isn't punished but excused.

Marin can go, we can get our miracle in say Gruden getting 100 percent control and if he fields an annual 7-9 team were stuck another 20yrs. Collinsworth annoys me but was correct in that "if Cinco drafts you high you WILL play". There are exceptions, but weaknesses are supposed to "do their job" and there is no backup plan. Heck if I would have got my FA RT, you wouldn't have to bank on mediocrity and maybe Andy could take a breath. Not the best choice of words but though he was bad, the plan can't be for him to make a read at the snap and throw or bail in a second...that's playing scared for anyone short of like 3 QBs in the league.

Even if the braintrust hands over control, if there is accountability at the have it players in the locker room talking about it in week 2.

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RE: Marvin should have fired himself! - phil413 - 09-15-2017, 06:50 PM

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