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Nancy Pelosi is too far Right for the Democrat base
(09-23-2017, 02:01 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I didn't expect you would.  I didn't he say he did either but he does try to bypass them as much as he can.  If he had the ability to censor the press I would have no doubt that he would. So since he can't censor them he just tries to discredit them.  It's his own antics that gets him the headlines. 

The funny part about this is you complain about fake news then post links to the dailywire or breitbart.  Sounds like you like your news spoon fed to you so that it aligns with your world view.

The even funnier part to me is that you think the MSM is fake is because you're part of the alt-right.

When did I become alt right?

DW, Breitbart are acknowledged slanted news. My issue is with the media who claims to be unbiased but yet still reports on a slant.

Going around the media by going to twitter isn't censoring the media. Censoring the press would be shutting them down using the government or cancelling all press briefings.

So far he has turned off the cameras because media press corp put on a show for the camera so they can get a show. That is not censoring the press. Honestly all these could be audio Only and be fine .

This would all go away if the media just acknowledged they were biased. MSNBC has started doing this and even though I don't agree it's pretty clear what they want to show and what They do not..... heck they cancelled Greta VanSustren and she is pretty liberal.

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RE: Nancy Pelosi is too far Right for the Democrat base - StLucieBengal - 09-23-2017, 11:12 AM

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