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Goodell calls Trump's comments "divisive"
(09-23-2017, 10:44 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I get what you're trying to say. Kinda. That said, if we don't view kneeling for the anthem as disrespectful, how about burning the flag? Turning your backs on soldiers? Seems like a slippery slope to me. Why bother honoring anything anymore if nothing is sacred?

Speaking specifically about the anthem, what are the acceptable perimeters of respect? If I have my hand over my heart, but leave my hat on, is that OK or am I an SOB who should be escorted from the stadium? What if I have the squirts and don't feel like standing? Have I trampled on a sacred tradition?  And yes, I'm being a bit sarcastic - a bit.

Standing for the anthem is a purely symbolic gesture, as is kneeling in protest. One gesture is showing respect for the freedoms we have, while the other is exercising one of those very freedoms. I support both.

BTW, how the hell did we end up in PnR? LOL

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RE: Goodell calls Trump's comments "divisive" - Bengalholic - 09-23-2017, 11:05 PM

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