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Goodell calls Trump's comments "divisive"
(09-23-2017, 11:05 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: Speaking specifically about the anthem, what are the acceptable perimeters of respect? If I have my hand over my heart, but leave my hat on, is that OK or am I an SOB who should be escorted from the stadium? What if I have the squirts and don't feel like standing? Have I trampled on a sacred tradition?  And yes, I'm being a bit sarcastic - a bit.

Standing for the anthem is a purely symbolic gesture, as is kneeling in protest. One gesture is showing respect for the freedoms we have, while the other is exercising one of those very freedoms. I support both.

BTW, how the hell did we end up in PnR? LOL

While I may not like the guy in aisle 57 eating nachos during the Anthem, I feel players have a greater responsibility to do the right thing and set an example for everyone (which includes millions of kids). They're in the public eye. Not Joe Six Pack.

And I got lost on the way to Jungle Noise. Figured it'd be a good time to make my bi-yearly PnR cameo.  Cool

(09-23-2017, 11:12 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: Agreed. While I support the players right to protest/kneel and don't necessarily find anything disrespectful about it...because an NFL field is their workplace...the owner(s) would be within their rights to not permit it, if they chose.

We only disagree on whether or not it's disrespectful. If the majority didn't view it as such, Kaepernick would've never kneeled in the first place. He needed a platform that would elicit the desired reaction. He found it. Now many folks (not saying you) are redefining whether or not his actions were disrespectful because they want to focus on his cause.

If they want to talk about the cause, fine. Lets talk. Don't pretend his actions weren't disrespectful though. An apology for his actions and a willingness to work with people (particularly police) would be a good start towards mending the division in this country.

Instead, Kaep remains silent and the worthless protests continue. Nothing is being accomplished.
The training, nutrition, medicine, fitness, playbooks and rules evolve. The athlete does not.

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RE: Goodell calls Trump's comments "divisive" - Shake n Blake - 09-23-2017, 11:33 PM

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