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Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes
I personally believe that wage should be up to employer and employee, 100% of the time, but for the sake of discussion, let's say that a living wage is imposed. I have three questions:

1) Is the living wage going to fluctuate based on location? $15 is a lot of money in some hick town in W. Virginia. $15 isn't anything in NYC.

2) When the market reacts to this living wage and the costs of every good and service goes up to compensate for it, what have they accomplished? Do you really believe that if a business owner's labor costs go up by whatever percent, that they will just eat that additional expense out of their profits and not pass that on to the consumer??

3) If a "living wage" is deemed a solution to making sure that everyone that works is making enough money to live comfortably (that's what the term "living wage" means, right?), does that mean that if it is enacted that we will see a major decrease in social program spending?

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RE: Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes - jakefromstatefarm - 08-13-2015, 03:59 PM

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